Day 15 | Recollecting bits and pieces

Before starting on the post of the day, I started at the blank screen for a couple of mins and then the wall and repeated this in a loop 50 times. I am physically and mentally exhausted as I was sent to the client place today itself. I couldn’t read or write blogs all through the day as I do not have a designated PC yet. We returned home late and everything else got delayed. It’s 10:45 pm and I am trying to squeeze in a post before calling it a day. I am brain dead to come up with anything to write at all. I am just going to post a few pictures related to our move to Sydney which were in the mobile phones and I recently caught hold of them.

PS: Sorry for another picture post. It’s just that I’m still holding on to the blogathon without the desire to let go of it. Please bear with me J


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