Super Six!

We had assumed a few months were all it would take. But the wait is still on even after six long years… This was the day when I walked out of my cocoon clutching his hand, with dreams unlimited. Least did I know then that I would not return to my home even once in the next six years. The home, that presented me my existence in this world and first 20 golden years of my life! I left the people who meant (and still mean) the world to me and chose to flee and create a different world of my own. People drew several conclusions from this event but the unanimous one would be that I loved the guy more than my parents. I beg to differ. Can one compare in any way a girl’s love for her man v/s her parents? I don’t think so. My Dad was the first man in my life I fell in love with. Why then did I abandon my parents and went along a stranger whom I had hardly even met? I thought that I will get back my parents’ love in a matter of time, but if I lose this guy, I would be losing him for life. Infidelity is something neither my dad nor I can tolerate. And here I am today six years since that Black day in our lives… Fingers refuse to uncross, heart denies to seize hoping, may be just may be for the first time in his life, dad would forgive the person who betrayed his trust…

I would like to also take this opportunity to write a letter to Abbas, as I have never done one in this blog.


Can you believe it’s been six years since we got married? We started a new life together, and created two beautiful lives on this journey. We have outdone all the goals we set for ourselves when we dreamt of our union. Happy, although we are, contentment evades us even today. The picture is still incomplete without my family. Several people ask me even today if I’m happy in this marriage. How do I explain to them what you mean to me? Marrying you gave me a re-birth. I am a completely transformed personality today. And I can confidently say that it holds true with you too.

Even though we had a virtual courtship, I took to my new environment and family effortlessly like fish takes to water. The credit must undoubtedly go to you who knew how to maintain a balance. I still remember the golden words you told me on our first night together – ‘Don’t try to please anyone or be extra nice. Just be the way you are coz you are not a guest in this home. You are here to stay’ It actually did the trick. The in-laws knew where to limit their expectations of me and accepted me the way I am.

When the matter of practicing religious norms came into picture, you again exhibited such a mature way of striking a balance between your pious dad and your non-believer-of-religious-ways-of-worship wife. You handled it with immense grace.

 You have stood by me through all the hurdles and hardships that I underwent. You have shed tears with me unable to stop my tears over hundreds of night in the first few years of marriage. You have been the father, mother, brother, sister and every other person I missed or remembered all the while. I can never forget my pregnancy days which made me see a different side of you. I could sense the envy in Ma too when she asked why it was necessary for you to accompany me to every routine visit to the doc! Taking care of me was on top priority for you then. Not that you don’t take care of me now, but you have two other female characters in your life which hog your priority list.

During the post natal days, it was only you and I alone who nursed the babies through the night. Even though you were working then, you would wake up to nurse them just to let me catch up on some sleep.

When we decided to go ahead with a job offer that I got from Chennai, people mocked at you taunting that you are letting your wife go ahead with an opportunity that was far better than what you were having then. The only question you asked them back which shut them off was – ‘Would you have asked the same question had I got the opportunity?’

You have lived upto everything you promised before marriage (except for the quitting smoking bit which you took a couple of years to accomplish) The only setback in our unification is the lack of my family’s approval. But other than that, not even for a passing moment in these six years did I regret having married you. We were certainly meant to be together forever as one.

64 thoughts on “Super Six!

  1. Can I confess I had goosebumps reading this…

    God bless both of you (I know I sound like an old granny, but seriously thats the first thought in my mind!)…Seriously, I hope the love continues to blossom for ever..

    Abbas bhai, you have a BEEEEEG fan here in Mumbai…

    And Seema, muah to you darling…hoping the family approval comes soon…

    and oh! compared to the letter I wrote to RD on our anniversary, this one is so damn more more Feb, I am taking tips from both you guys to write nice romantic letters instead of sarcastic ones 🙂


    1. Hey Thanks for all the blessings ERM 😀

      Oye, he blushes whenever I tell him that he has beeeg fans in my blog readers 🙂

      Arey RM, you were the inspiration in the first place to write a letter to Abbas on our anniversary. I just loved your letter too and like always, your style of expressing is very unique.

      Only tip I can probably give is, you can directly admit on your blog that you love RD instead of saying that you think you love him, coz we all know you do 😀


  2. Happy Happy Anniversary!!!!
    Don’t try to please anyone or be extra nice. Just be the way you are coz you are not a guest in this home. You are here to stay —- Abbas Bhaiyya is the bestest!! 😀
    Wishing you loads and loads of happiness !! 🙂 🙂


  3. A very happy 6th wedding anniversary to both of you.Indeed you both are made for each other…
    May God shower his blessings upon you and fill your life with happiness :-)Have a great celebration today.


  4. Awww… Seema. I found my eyes moist after reading this. You two are indeed made for each other. Wishing you both a very Happy anniversary and a great life ahead. I sincerely pray that your family comes around and accepts your marriage soon to complete the happy picture.


  5. This post made me cry and the not so curious husband came to check if I was reading something about pregnancy and it’s after effects on the internet 🙄 I made him read it and there was a little smile on his face and he hugged me tight 🙂 I know what you are going through Seema…but like you said the journey I started with the man I love has never caused me any regrets…I love him more and more every single day 😳 sheesh…..your post made me so emotional 😳

    Hugs to you and Abbas. Cheers to more wonderful years of togetherness and love…


    1. Awww, I’m so sorry Sakshi. 😦

      You are not supposed to be crying now alright? We want the two li’l darlings in there to be merry all the time 😀

      Tight hugs to the two of you too.


  6. I ma sure you know what I will be saying 🙂

    end of the day what matter most is that you are happy, and surly you are happy. I am sure parents will come around too sooner or later .. Just have faith and be how you are all the time ..

    Happy anniversary i would say .. and god bless you- abbas sir and the little ones .. Keep smiling and be happy always


  7. Tight hugs Seema
    I would be wrong if I said ‘I can understand your pain’ for pain is something felt and understood best only by the one who suffers it.
    Sending tons of best wishes to both of you on your special day and here’s wishing for your reunion with your parents and family soon.
    Hugs again


    1. Oh! Hugs to you Ash. I just can’t have a comment from you where you don’t have anything to say.

      Will post a Mantam-ism soon to make up. 😀


  8. **Touchwood* and *Kaala Tikka* to your wonderful journey of 6 years!! Wish you many many more years of togetherness!! U guys hv been through thick n thin periods of life all together!! Aweeee to it!! I just hope that ur Family Picture shall soon be complete with your parents at your side too!!

    All hopes n wishes dear!! Hugggs n congrats again!! Hv a lovely life ahead!!
    P.S- Lovely Post!!


  9. I’m in tears Seema reading this post. A very very happy anniversary to you both. I wish and pray that the reunion with your parents happens soon, very soon. Hugs and many hugs:-)


  10. lovely post.. here’s to your love for each other to grow every day more and more.. stay strong Seema.. the day is not too far for your family to accept you.. keep up the spirit.. hugs..


  11. Seema, this is such a full of love letter. I can understand how difficult it must be for you and Abbas to not get that yes from your family but what you have between the two of you is precious. And I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to read about it.

    God Bless and happy 6 years of togetherness.


  12. Happy Happy Anniversary Seem and Abbas! You 2 deserve loads more happiness – you make such a great pair.

    Seema – again, I have goosebumps reading this post. Again I can only say I will pray that things work out in your favour very soon…


  13. A tight Jhappi from my side…..Belated wishes to U Seema & convey my wishes to Abbas Bhai as well……such a heart-felt post,…He is so understanding…how simply he made you feel at home 🙂

    You know, I believe that every event has a particular pre-set time…so you would again meet you parents and in a happy note when the right time arrives….

    P.S. I lost the password for your “love-story’ post…can you please resend it 🙂


  14. Congratulations Seema and Abbas Bhai….. Seema – I sincerely hope some one from your family is reading your blog. May God from both religions bless you to be united with your family very soon.


  15. Hi Seema,

    This is the first time I am commenting here, though I have read some updates from you in the last few days. I like the way you blog about your 2 little darlings. Mantamisms are the best. I am yet to read your complete blog 🙂

    The letter you wrote to Abbas is really heart touching…may you love each other the same always and I sincerely hope that your parents welcome you back.


  16. This is my first visit to your blog, and I get to read such a beautiful post. It touched me deep and hard, and my eyes are moist even as I type this out. I am glad you guys found each other. (Belated) happy anniversary!


  17. Hey, Congratulations to both of you for completing 6 years of togetherness…Very very very sweet post (I should make my hubby read this one 🙂 )
    All the best for life, hope you get what you want….


  18. This is such an emotional post Seemu, .Tight hugs to you. Wish you and Abbas many more beautiful years together. I am sure the worry of yours will go soon, waiting for the day when you and family is together and they accept this relationship.


  19. This is so heart felt Seema…you have me literally choked up 🙂

    Loads of warm and good wishes to all of you

    P.S I am gonna dig your posts now 😛


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