Day 24 | Nagaveni *

The last haircut that Mantam had was for their 4th birthday. It had been just over 2 years and they had loooong hair. I would spend a lot of time tending to their beautiful hair. They loved it too. All the girls in the class sought to grow their hair after Mantam joined the school. The hair was now so long and Abbas kept telling me to get it cut. But it was like a labour of love for me. I simply didn’t have the heart to get the locks chopped off. But I too felt that they might feel lighter as summer was approaching. I agreed to take them for a haircut a couple of months back. But I just got it cut just below shoulder level. Here are the before and after pictures:

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PS: We are going for a day long outing today with friends and I don’t know what time we will return and I’m damn sure I won’t have the energy to do the post of the day after returning home. So, here is a quickie I’m squeezing in before we step out.

PPS: * Nagaveni in Kannada means a lady with a long plait resembling a snake. I couldn’t think of a better title. I’m too excited to head out now 😀